14-12-2021 #codeMonkeyWeek

Benefits of coding

Bhumika Koirala 9 A | 2755

CodeMonkey is an entertaining and educational game-based setting where students learn to code without any previous experience or knowledge. Under CodeMonkey, students learn about coding which is a communication procedure that makes a computer subject matter to human control. With the help of coding, kids will be able to create and explore video games, websites, electronic gadgets, and software. Coding is everywhere around the world, however, it is not as easy as it appears to teach and educate people about coding. Due to this reason, CodeMonkey is a pre-coding game founded in 2014 by Jonathan Schor based on his successful experience in teaching young children to code through playful activities. In Bhutan, CodeMonkey is one of the most cherished gifts of His Majesty the Fifth Druk Gyalpo, for the formation of an IT-enabled society and making coding more fun as well as engaging for students. CodeMonkey acts as an alternative for making children learn coding without pressuring them with the sturdy language of programming. It is necessary to teach children about coding from an early age. Therefore, the following points would talk about three important advantages of CodeMonkey and coding in schools.

Firstly, CodeMonkey as a computer programming is the present and upcoming of technology. It portrays both today as well as the future of the technological world. Coding as a useful skill prepares young students for the future workforce. Business icons and entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg started coding from an early age and revolutionized the digital information and communication field. Some of the examples of why coding is important for the future are; Banks and hospitals use biometric like fingerprint scanners and facial recognition systems for identity confirmation, likewise, we can answer our doors, switch on lights with remote-controlled devices, self-driving cars, are in our generation already, and it would advance more in upcoming days. Computer programming has an essential role in medical research, economics, geology, engineering, and most of the other fields of human venture. Moreover, the knowledge for computer programming and CodeMonkey has become more vital during and also post-pandemic where everything mostly runs online which has made webinars, Google classrooms, and zoom classes easier and more comfortable. CodeMonkey places high emphasis on content that aligns with today’s as well as the future standard.

Secondly, coding helps in the creation of computer specialists and contributes to their country’s development. There are a lot of coding-related jobs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), however, there aren’t enough computer science graduates to meet the demand. If people are preparing to fill these gaps by learning from a young age, they can earn high wages and contribute to the country’s revenue and growth. This is one of the reasons why His Majesty has given more emphasis to coding and STEM intelligence for the wise, sustainable, and smart strengthening of the country. CodeMonkey teaches children to be persistent in solving problems whereby it allows students to fail and learn from their mistakes, if one algorithm doesn’t solve a problem another one will. In addition, computer programming teaches children to understand how tech gadgets work. Many people don’t know about the functioning and production of mobile phones and software apps, through coding students learn how technological devices work, which builds interest in them to make those gadgets. CodeMonkey helps in designing something from start to finish, which provides students with high esteem and a feeling of self-approval.

Thirdly, coding teaches children to think in a multidimensional manner and improves collaboration among children. When students learn to code, they do it with kids from other backgrounds, classes, and races. They can join together to share a common goal with different people. This spirit of teamwork will help students to build a comfortable future work environment. Communication is vital in every sphere of life and coding teaches students that skill. Experiences of CodeMonkey stays for all time come in the minds of children making coding easier to understand. Teachers cannot see these skills as apparent in their reading, writing, and social studies classes. The skills they gain through coding are endless whereby learning coding becomes more self-aware, has more self-control, and acquires interpersonal skills. For me, CodeMonkey has always been an interesting as well as an educational activity that has helped me be smarter. It’s a privilege that coding was introduced when we are young, energetic, and curious to learn. Unlike the students in the past who all were not exposed to such facilities, and didn’t get to learn to play CodeMonkey and learn to code.

To conclude, CodeMonkey makes the learning of coding easier by inculcating the skills of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. These skills along with perseverance and problem-solving help in the country’s development and growth. It has led to self-expansion and intellectual development. Thus, when using a coding application like CodeMonkey, students are working on a fun and entertaining coding platform.


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